A virtual museum exploring the history of Vietnamese in the Nail Industry.
For decades the Vietnamese have dominated nail salons across North America. Transforming the service into a booming practice, inspiring trends, and turning nails into the personal body accessory everybody needed. Expanding on the critically acclaimed documentary Nailed It, we present Nail Salon XR. A virtual museum space that exhibits the world of the nail salon, centering the diverse communities that built it.
A Social Web XR space that centers BIPOC body workers, entrepreneurs, clients, and educators in the nail space.
Discover community and develop strong connections
Nail Salon XR is composed of 360 photogrammetry scans of real nail salons owned and operated by immigrant and BIPOC women.
What’s a hub? The NSXR hub is a virtual 3D space, entered via VR headset or laptop/desktop, where you interact with virtual objects and explore a curated spectrum of audio/visual artifacts. These exhibits delineate the diverse saga of the “Asian” Nail Salon archetype. As you move about the NSXR museum, approach objects to hear them “speak to you,” and commit to memory the seminal canon of matriarchs, who made nails pop across the U.S., and the globe.